Hi guys. Welcome back to my blog. Happy weekend! I have been blogging for 5 months now and I thought maybe you wanna get to know me a little better. Do you? I hope you do so let's crack on shall we?!

Question 1: Do you have any pets ?
No. I used to, back when I was at uni. Her name was Junior and she was a tabby cat. I loved her and I still do. RIP Junior! She had an accident, got hit by a car. Sobbb!

Question 2: Name three things that are physically close to you?
My iPhone dahhhh, my air con remote and my daughter's hair band.

Question 3: What was the craziest thing you have ever done?
I guess it has to be the time when I took a bus ride with a friend of mine in Papeete (which is the capital of French Polynesia in Pacific Ocean) all the way to the deserted beach which was way too far from the centre. My friend got scared on the bus as it was a pretty long ride so she decided to take off and left me alone but I got there in the end and the beach was so beautiful. She missed out. But the scarier part was that there didn't seem to be any bus nor taxi to take me back, and there was a young guy with his scooter and wanted to offer me a lift who by the way didn't speak a word of English and looked kinda dodgy. I don't wanna get into too much detail otherwise this question's gonna be way too long but let's just say I was lucky that the bus finally came and if not I would've take his offer and who knows I might end up in one of those brothels where all the traffic girls were. IT WAS SCARY! I wouldn't be that adventurous again!

Questions 4: Do you drive? If so, have you crashed?
I do drive. I did scratch a car when I tried to park on the side of the road. It just wouldn't fit. Man!

Question 5: What's your background?
I'm Chinese but I've literally been all over the place since I was pretty young and now I'm settled in Italy with my families.

Question 6: When was the last time you showered?
Last night.

Question 7: What was the last movie that you saw?
Eden Lake. I love thriller films. I can't believe I don't know about this one till now. Such a good film.

Question 8: Who was the last person who called you?
My husband. He is currently on a business trip in Alaska but he calls every other day. Bless him.

Question 9: What is your ringtone?
Twilight theme: Bella's lullaby. Love it.

Question 10: Have you ever been to a different country?
Yes. I have literally travelled over 70 different cities/states in the world. I used to work as a Junior Officer on cruise ships.

Question 11: Do you like sushi?
Oh yeah!

Question 12: What was your major?
Hospitality Management

Question 13: Have you ever taken any medication to help you fall asleep faster?

Question 14: How many siblings do you have?
I'm the only child.

Question 15: Where was your university/college?
I went to to Plymouth University which is in the south of England.

Question 16: How old will you be turning on your next birthday?
32. Damn! Lol!

Question 17: Do you wear contacts or glasses?
Glasses but only when I drive or in the cinema.

Question 18: Do you colour your hair?
Used to but now I kinda like my natural hair colour.

Question 19: Tell me something you are planing to do today:
Well I might go to the beach in the afternoon or go on a hunt for a good waterproof mascara in the mall. Well the mall me think. I mean I'm a beauty addict right plus I'm desperate for a good waterproof mascara that can hold the curl all day. Any suggestions?

Question 20: When was the last time you cried?
Ohh boy I don't remember to be honest. I don't cry that often.

Question 21: What is your perfect pizza topping?
Mozzarella bufala with prosciutto crudo. Mah fav. Yum!

Question 22: Which do you prefer, hamburger or cheeseburger?
I like both but if I have to choose one then cheeseburger. Tastier.

Question 23: Have you ever had an all-nighter?
Ohh yeah. Back when I was at uni. I found I worked the best right before deadlines. I would stay up all night doing assignments. Oops! Also cabin parties on the ship we used to stay up all night drinking. Good times!

Question 24: Are you married? How did you meet?
Yes. I have been married for over 5 years and we met in Australia when we both worked on cruise ships. I asked him out on the Melbourne Cup night. That's right I asked first and we have been together ever since. What can I say we girls gotta go for it and crab our opportunities when we can because good guys don't come along too often. Come on you know that's true. We now have a almost 4-year-old girl whose name is Lara. She is our life!

Question 25: Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke?
Yes. In my opinion Coke is much sweeter than any other brands.

Ok I hope you have enjoyed this post and get to know me a little better. Please let me know if you want me to do a TMI tag or something like that and I shall try my best to do it. Also I just want to thank Yang from Yangloves who tagged me. Thank you hun. I'll link her blogpost here if you fancy giving it a read. I love her style!

Thank you guys and see you all next week! Muahh!

Twitter & Instagram @eflicciardello

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