Weekend yes finally. Well today instead of going out I think I'm gonna sort out my beauty products because some of them are really old and expired, and some I just don't reach for anymore so time to "spring clean" my stash! I'm gonna talk you through my "cleaning method" if you will so let's do this.

Weekend yes finally. Well today instead of going out I think I'm gonna sort out my beauty products because some of them are really old and expired, and some I just don't reach for anymore so time to "spring clean" my stash! I'm gonna talk you through my "cleaning method" if you will so let's do this. 

First up skincare. Well I've had this Clains sunscreen for over 2 years now and I think it's time to dismiss it as it does say on the back of the tin that use it within 18 months after open it. This is the thing that we beauty junkies should really pay attention to especially when it comes to liquid products as they tend to go off quicker than powder products. NEVER EVER use expired skincare products on your skin. They probably won't really do any harm but some of them might irritate our skin because of the expired ingredients. You just never know, it's better being careful than regretting it later. Am I right?! So this has gotta go. By the way if you wanna know how I think of this sunscreen by Clarins then I'll link my blogpost right here

Next up makeup. Let's start with powders. Powders tend to have longer "life" then liquid products so as long as they don't smell off or look weird then I think you're ok. But I'm still gonna let these go because I just don't reach for them anymore. I do really like the Lepo Rice Powder and the bareMinerals Original Foundation but they're the wrong shades unfortunately. The MUFE HD Powder is just not working for me whatsoever. If you wanna see my disappointing products blogpost then I'll link it here for you so you can find out why I didn't like it. 

Concealers. These 2 are really good products but I think they are way passed their expiration dates so they are gonna have to go. The Garnier Roll-on concealer is lovely to use under the eyes because it is very light in texture, and the Avene Corrector is very effective for conceal the redness on my face. 

Mascara and eyebrow products. Normally you'll see this (picture above) on any mascara tube and that means bin it after 6 months when opening. However if you have sensitive eyes then I suggest to say goodbye to your mascara after 3 months of use. We have to be careful on the stuff that we use around the eyes as they are the most delicate area than the rest of our faces. As far as eyebrow goes if it's a eyebrow gel then use it within 6 months but for eyebrow pencils shouldn't be a problem up to a year but again it's better to check what it says on the tin. 

Lip products. (What can I say?! I'm lipstick junkie.) I'm gonna have to let these go because again some of them are way too old and some I just don't use so ciao belli! I think lipsticks generally have a year or maybe 2 years of shelf life, it depends really. But I'm kinda weird about my lipsticks if I don't use up within a year I'll throw them away because I tend to lick my lips quite a lot, and that's like eating lipsticks so they better be good. 

Lastly eyeshadows and eyeliners. This Maybelline Color Tattoo cream eyeshadow in permanent taupe is very pretty but for some reason it just looks odd on my eyes so I'm letting it go but these eyeliners are kinda old and never really been used so why keeping them?! Like I said before we have to pay attention to products that we use around or in our eyes so just keep on a look out of their expire dates but with powder eyeshadows I think they should be good for up to 2 years maybe even 3 depends on the company or the ingredients in them.

Ok I hope I have helped in some way and if you have any questions please feel free to leave comments down below. I am by no means an expert in product hygiene but I'm very careful when it comes to my beauty products so I think you can trust me on this. I NEVER EVER use expired products and I sometimes even bin them BEFORE they expire so you get the point. Please follow me on twitter and Instagram @eflicciardello for daily photo updates and do follow my blog if you fancy. Have a good weekend and I'll see you next week! Bye! Muahh!

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