Hey guys. Happy weekend! 

I don't know about you but I loooove watching beauty related videos on YouTube. I mean I am obsessed. And lately I have been watching this beauty tag video which it's called the Beauty Scenario Tag, and I believe it's created by Lily Pebbles who is a talented Beauty guru on YouTube and you should definitely subscribe if you haven't already. She is just so pretty and she has a lot of good recommendations when it comes to makeup and skincare. I mean I wish I could live in London so I could meet her. DAMN! Anyways I really like this tag and I thought it would be fun to do my own version so without further ado that's start! 

The first Q is: You have to get rid of all your foundations and you can only keep one high-end and one drugstore, which do you keep?

A: this is really easy for me. For high-end I will definitely keep my YSL Youth Liberator Foundation which I had talked about in my past blogpost I'll link it  if you fancy giving it a read. This foundation is so lush. It smells good, it lasts and it's not too matte nor too shiny. Perfect! I'm sorry but I don't have any drugstore foundation to share here because I never use drugstore foundations. I'm not being snobby it's just that drugstore foundations break me out. I never have any good experience with them. 

2. You go for an interview and the lady interviewing you has lipstick on her teeth. Do you approach the subject or ignore it completely?

A: I'm the type of person that can never hold anything in my stomach. I would for sure tell her that she has lipstick on her teeth. But I would relate this to my own experience by saying that it happens to me all the time, and mention in a nice way about using the "finger" trick to avoid lipstick on teeth. I think she would appreciate that! 

3. You’re not feeling yourself and you need a pick me up lipstick, which one do you go for?

A: Rouge Dior 999. Classic red. This will definitely put me in a better mood! 

4. You go back in time for a day to your teenage years, how would you do your hair and makeup differently?

A: Ohh I would do everything differently. Trust me! I would never cut my hair that short nor dye my hair red. Fire red. Ohh lord. And I used to enjoy putting on pearl white eyeshadow all over my lids intensively. What was I thinking?! 

5. You ask your hairdresser for a shoulder length Pixie Lott hair cut, but they hear you wrong and give you a pixie haircut. Do you, a) Smile, say thank you, leave, call your mum and cry hysterically, b) Cry in the chair and things get awkward, or c) Complain to the manager and demand a refund?

A: well none of the above really. I wouldn't even leave till that late. When I have my haircut I usually look at the mirror ALL THE TIME and if I see a little different than I asked for I would let my hairdresser know straight away so that would never happen to me. We girls should all pay attention when we get haircuts because hairs are our thing plus they take AGES to grow back! 

6. Your friend surprises you with a 4-day city break and you have 1 hour to pack. Which ‘do it all’ palette do you pack in your makeup bag?

A: Urban Decay Smoked Palette. My all time fav and certainly qualifies for "do-it-all". I can do day and night looks plus I don't even need to bring eyeliners. I can just wet my brush and use any shade I feel like to line my eyes. Perfect! 

7. Your house has been robbed, don’t worry everyone is safe, but your beauty stash has been raided. What’s the product you really hope is safe?

A: my Dior Eyeshadow Palette in 609 Earth Reflection. I can't live without it. Obsessed Dot Com! Seriously! I would cry my eyes out. Yes I would! I'll link my reviews  for you so you know why I'm in love with it! 

8. Your friend borrows your makeup and returns it in awful condition. Do you, a) Just pretend you haven’t noticed, b) Ask them to repurchase it, or c) Secretly do the same to something of theirs?

A: none of the above. My friend knows how much my beauty products mean to me so a) they would've never done that. b) if it happens by accident then my friend would totally let me know the reason and I know she would offer to pay me anyway but it's ok I mean end of the day it's only makeup. Yes i would be upset but life's just too short to be overly obsessed. If this one breaks then there's always tons of others to choose from. 

Well that was fun. I hope you have enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please tag me if you have your own version of this tag cuz I would love to check it out. Thank you for your time and I shall see you all beauties next week! Have a good one! Bye! Muahh! 

Twitter & Instagram @eflicciardello

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